Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog are mine and mine alone. They do not reflect the views and opinions of the Peace Corps, the US Government, Vice President Biden, or President Obama. Except for any parts that make me seem awesome. Then that is definitely everyone's belief.

Wednesday, June 25, 2014

Long(er) hair don't care

I haven't cut my hair since I've been here. I plan to grow it out. It's also been a while since I've shaved. I'm trying to uphold the time honored Peace Corps tradition of looking slightly homeless during service. But it's hot here. And it's not even the hot season.

The people here are kind of into the beard look because most guys here can't grow much facial hair. It's funny because in the US I actually gro a comparatively small amount of facial and body hair but here I'm Sasquatch. I guess I'm also Sasquatch because I'm about a foot taller than everyone. I think mostly though people see the growing hair and patchy beard and chalk it up to a strange American.

In a way, by not cutting my hair, I am respecting traditions here. The people of my region are the Tsimihety people. “Tsimihety” literally means “no haircut”. It comes from way back when when they were under the control of another stronger tribe and refused to cut their hair in protest. Let's see...non-violent protests and long hair...they're hippies! I knew there was a reason I adapted so quickly. I feel at home.

I actually do feel very much at home here. I of course miss everyone back home and Chipotle but I love it here. I'm so happy this is where I got placed. Both in Madagascar and in Ankazambo. I got set up really well. I'm a very lucky person. But I'm gonna crush some Chipotle when I get back. Let them know to look out for me in 2016. I'm coming!  

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