Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog are mine and mine alone. They do not reflect the views and opinions of the Peace Corps, the US Government, Vice President Biden, or President Obama. Except for any parts that make me seem awesome. Then that is definitely everyone's belief.

Monday, February 10, 2014

Staging in Philly

I've made it to the City of Brotherly Love! It's a day of meetings and then off to Madagascar. It's getting real now.  I can't wait to get there but squeezing into coach for 15 hours to Johannesburg is going to be rough.

I'm excited to meet all of my fellow volunteers as well. I've only met my roommate for the time and he is cool. After getting over me waking him up because I got in so late we've gotten along splendidly.

I wish I had some more time in Philly to explore as I've never been here before. But, it's cold as hell outside and our hotel is pretty far from everything so it's not going to happen. Maybe some other time Philadelphia.

Since I got in late and haven't really had a chance to leave the hotel here is a picture of Ben Franklin

I promise I'll actually have a photo from this trip next time. Laziness is getting the best of me at the moment. Hopefully my next post will be from beautiful Madagascar!



  1. Hopefully you won't get the middle seat in coach! Or if you do, then one side will be Jessica Alba and the other side will be Kate Upton...you can only dream...Have a good trip! -- Ted and Teri.

  2. Have you managed to unfold your limbs after the joburg flight yet?
