Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this blog are mine and mine alone. They do not reflect the views and opinions of the Peace Corps, the US Government, Vice President Biden, or President Obama. Except for any parts that make me seem awesome. Then that is definitely everyone's belief.

Thursday, February 6, 2014

First Post!

Here we go...

I will try to be as honest and exciting as possible in these posts.  Hopefully those of you that read this will actually look forward to it rather than read out of a sense of duty or friendship.  But honestly they'll probably suck at first so please stick with me. I promise I'll get better, or at least post some pictures of cute lemurs.

I leave for staging in just 3 days. I'll head to Philly on February 9th.  Then after about 36 hours in the city of brotherly love it's off to Madagascar! I have so many emotions going through me. I'm excited to get there and experience so many wonderful things. I'm nervous that I won't be very good at what I am assigned and I'll let my community down. I'm sad to leave my family and friends.  Mostly I'm just anxious to get going.

I've spent quite a bit of time and money trying to make sure I have everything I will need. There is no doubt in my mind that I will forget something important and bring many things that aren't. Such is life. Part of the adventure will undoubtedly be trying to find some very important piece of clothing for my big ass in a country that averages about 5'2" or so in height.

And, just so I can practice this, here is a picture:

I am sure that everyone who will ever read this knows who that is. However, if you have accidentally stumbled here during a late night trip down the worm hole that is the internet the beautiful woman on the left is my girlfriend Stephanie and the lug on the right is me.  Also, welcome! And get some sleep for Christ's sake.

That is all for now.  I should have another post up before I leave for Philly and will post as regularly as possible from there on. Thanks for reading!


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